Ads System

Ads Flow

Ads in 30sec are unlike any others you may think of or see anywhere else. They are all brilliantly creative, seductive, fascinating, and inspiring videos that brands are trying to communicate and resonate with their audiences. They are the only content consisting of 30sec's ads flow. There are no ads in 30sec when you watch ads, and there is no insertion, interception, repetition, or peddle in 30sec.

You can find all the latest videos in the ads flow on the homepage in 30sec app. Also, you can pick up the specific CATEGORY based on different industries to find the ones you are interested in, or take a deep dive into various THEME such as Encounter Good Brands, Airdrop For Love, Our Story, etc as we recommend.

Brandpage will be available soon in the upcoming features.

Ads Watching

We strongly recommend all our users to truly, completely, and attentively watch the well-crafted ads from the brands in 30sec, and to ensure this:

  • No fast forward during ad play

  • Replay from the beginning after the ad play quits

  • A question related to the ad must be answered correctly after playback in order to receive the reward

  • Incorrect answers require re-watch and re-answer

  • Each user can only be rewarded once per ad

We also recommend you to LIKE the ads you like, even up to 3 times to express your strong preference (the fourth time to cancel the like). You can add ads to your WATCH LATER and FAVORITES lists, and find ads you watched in your HISTORY from the menu button.

Special ads notice:

🎁 BONUS ads are those with an extra amount or multiple rewards in addition to the basic rewards after being watched. They are usually available for a limited time or for a limited number of views. So don’t miss the chance to earn more when you find a BONUS ad in the ads flow.

🎁 LUCKY POCKET ads are those with random drops of a huge reward shared by all ad viewers within a certain period. You can find a significant flashing icon on the cover of the ads as well as the countdown to the draw day. Once you finish watching a Lucky Pocket video, you will find a PENDING DRAW on your MINE-LUCKY POCKET page. Once the drawing time comes, you can click the DRAW NOW button to open your pocket and see how many lucky rewards you have claimed. Big rewards with big fun! Never miss it when you find a lucky pocket in your ads flow!

The total amount of the reward has a considerable relationship with the duration of the ad, the more you watch, the more you earn!

Survey Questionnaires for extra rewards after watching ads will be available soon in the upcoming features.

Ad-sorting Mechanism

30sec believes that a brand's style is a concentrated expression of the brand's unique charm.

The sorting mechanism of ads in 30sec is highly based on the styles of the brands.

When you finish watching an ad, there will be ads from brands sharing the same styles recommended to you, without being limited to the same types of industries or related products. The more ads you watch, the more brilliant brands you will find.

The same mechanism also applies when searching ads in 30sec.

Upcoming Features for Ads System:

Follow, Tipping will be available in the coming seasons.

Last updated