Please help those people around you or in the community who are still relatively "confused" about Web3. Show patience and enthusiasm, and give them a hand! You know, helping them to get involved, is helping them to earn! God will thank you for being proficient in Web3!

Our faith is: RESHAPING. 30sec is the practice of this faith. YET is the core of our Time Economy experiment. These are all our tributes to Web3. If this place is still a wilderness, then we are the pioneers. If this is a carnival, then here we are in the quietest corner. If this place is full of smart people, then we are the silly ones. Come on! On this piece of land we found, we officially invite 1,000 natives to become pioneers.

In the upcoming quarters, 30sec DAO "Blackpaper" and DAO tokens will be officially launched. Stay tuned with us!

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