
What does it mean to advertise in Web3 Advertising Media?

30sec is a Web3 Advertising Media, which means other than that (so far) none of them is yet. What does it mean?

It means that your ads will no longer be muted, skipped, or blocked; they will no longer be disliked or regarded as an interruption to daily life; they will also no longer be seen as blatant commercialism.

It means that you no longer need to have your ads appear everywhere or rely on frequency to generate a small effect.

It means that you don't have to worry about fake data and paying for clicks that only last for five seconds.

Most importantly, you can win over your audience with emotions and stories. You can tell a long brand story without worrying about not being seen or being left unfinished. In short, those long stories you shoot that really express your brand no longer need to stay idly in the corner of your brand's website or social media year after year with few viewers like a beautiful decoration.

In short, users will watch your ads till the end in 30sec, and don't worry, they will answer the questions you set after watching!

That's it, a single watching is all it takes to establish an emotional connection between the brand and the user. And yes, that's the way how we play it.

This also means that you will pay the users who watch your ads, and will earn back what you invested with 30sec's ecosystem.

When you come to 30sec, it definitely means that you are using a completely innovative marketing model, and thus "changing advertising", ending the century-long "passive" advertising history, and together with us opening up a new era of active advertising!

Last updated