Advertising System

30sec believes that ads can be creative, seductive, fascinating, and inspiring as long as there is no insertion, interception, or repetition. Proactivity brings a hugely different experience and effect. 30sec highly recommends brands place long and brilliantly creative ads with higher rewards, fully express the brand stories and inspire users' emotions.

Brands can advertise on 30sec's Brand Backend (which will open in the coming season):

  • Brands can recharge $YET tokens as the ad-watching rewards in 30sec, and customize the specific amount of each ad for the users who watch their ads. There is no advertising fee to be charged for the platform to place an ad with standard rewards.

  • For placing an ad with BONUS rewards, brands can choose to offer extra rewards by specified multiples or amounts, and customize the length of time available.

  • For placing an ad with Lucky Pocket rewards, brands can choose between 2 kinds of modes:

    • all viewers share the full rewards with a random amount

    • a few numbers of viewers share a large number of rewards

  • When the rewards of an ad are all claimed by users, the ad will be removed from the ad flows in the APP.

  • Brands can check the numbers of times an ad has been watched, favorited, or liked at any time.

More details to be announced when the Brand Backend opens.

Last updated