"Sonnet About YET"

With the "Sonnet About YET" as the core, we will engage users to create their own interpretations based on the official version sonnet. Users are free to unleash their creativity, with the only requirement being to include the word 'YET' in each line. We will collect 1001 original poems from users and compile them into a publication, available for purchase within the 30sec app using YET tokens. Also, we will select the lines created by users and edit them into 1001 Sonnets About YET, publish them as a collection, and sell them in cryptocurrency.

The official version of Sonnet About YET:

Selected single-line of the sonnet created by 30sec users and Twitter users:

Complete fourteen-line sonnets composed by 30sec users:

Search #SonnetAboutYET on Twitter to learn more about the Sonnet About YET campaign, and join us by creating your sonnet!

Last updated